Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hanging Out!

Just some random pics of Alex - a couple with Daddy and Daypa. These are just a few of of my recent favorites...

Where'd you go, Daddy?

Eating Spaghetti

Isn't this one of the classics? Your parents take photos of you with food all over your face to embarrass you with as you get older? Alex really isn't eating much baby food anymore, due to a stubborness to feed himself (huh, wonder where that comes from?) and Miss Michelle, his new babysitter who rocks and gives him new and interesting foods every day! Here's some spaghetti face for ya! Future girlfriends - this one will come out of the vault someday!

Little Man is Getting Big!

Alex (a.k.a. Monkey - used to be Chunky Monkey, but he's thinning out...) is going to be what for Halloween? A MONKEY! :) His costume came yesterday, and I have to say, it's very cute. I put the headpiece on him to see what he would do, and this is what I got:

Okay, Mom...I'll smile for you, but this is the best I've got!

You're not REALLY going to make me wear this, are you?

That's enough...take it off.

I can't wait for Trick or Treating... stay tuned for full-on costume action!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Never too "Young" for Formal Wear!

Alex recently was an honorary ring bearer in Aunt Rhi (and now UNCLE TONY's) wedding. My Aunt made him this matching cute! You can see, he was dressed like his daddy! Trav's own little "Mini Me." I so wish I would have gotten a picture of them together, but let's just say the tux didn't last long on little A. He was hot, and done with it in about an hour. Ohhh, but it was CUTE! :)

Jen and Trav at the wedding...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Latest Adventures!!!!

Whew! It's been busy at the Young household! On Mother's Day, Alex was baptized and our family and friends were here for a fun weekend. The weekend after that we had family photos taken, and Memorial Day weekend we took a trip to the Fort Worth Zoo. Alex loved the elephants and the penguins!

Last weekend, Auntie Rhi was married in Creston, so we made a trip to Iowa for her beautiful day. And, the fun never stops here in Texas...Travis is in another wedding later this summer and we have activities for that. I am planning to ride part of RAGBRAI in Iowa in July and then we're headed to St. Louis to see friends for the 4th. Hopefully, I'll be better about blogging and get some pics of all our summer adventures up here for all to see. Here are some photos of our latest endeavors for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!






Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oldies But Goodies

These are just a couple of my favorite photos of Alex from when he was just a couple weeks old. One of my boys together and another of his tiny feet...that are getting bigger every day! Since I started the blog late, I didn't have time to post them but wanted to share. Enjoy!

Easter 2009

So, I am a little late with the post, but here are some photos of Alex from Easter 2009. We spent the weekend in Mason with Nonnie, Daypa, Aunt Aimee, Uncle Scott and Cousins Kate and Cameron.

I can't believe how big he is getting! He had a great time hunting eggs with Daddy and did really well at the service that morning! I can't wait for next year when he understands it all a little better.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Alex Eats Sweet Potatoes!

Daddy went to Baton Rouge this weekend to watch Cousin Kyle play baseball, so Mommy and Alex were flying solo at home. I made enough organic baby food in my Beaba Baby Cook (Thanks work friends!) this weekend for the next month or two, so we thought we'd try something out - sweet potatoes! I didn't have the real camera close enough for a pic, but took this one with my phone. He LOVED them! So, next after sweet potatoes is green beans, then butternut squash, then zucchini, then carrots...I have a lot of food in the freezer!

He's also starting to hold his own bottle, and I took pics of that as well! Those to be posted later. I can't believe how much he is changing!!! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March Madness!

We all know who Mommy and Alex cheer for, although Aunt Aimee was trying to teach Alex "Hook 'em Horns," the other day! She said he really liked it...I guess time will tell!

They grow up SO fast!

Here are some pics of our happy guy at five months. I can't believe that he is growing up so fast and looking less and less every day like the infant we brought home, and more and more like a little boy! How time flies!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lessons Learned

This weekend was the first time I have been alone with Alex for any extended period of time. Travis left early Saturday for a business trip, and so little A-Man and I were flying solo (and are still flying solo until later this week). It's amazing the skills and capabilities you learn from being a mother - especially when you have plenty of one on one time to reflect on everything you have done that day. And, it's also amazing how you can consistently prove yourself wrong (again, a realization after much reflection).

For example, I was a GREAT parent until I had kids. You know what I am talking about..."My kids will never (fill in the blank)," or "I will not let my son (fill in the blank)." I used to think all the statements I made about how I would parent when I had the opportunity would come true in some fairy tale parenting land that is definately not reality.

One of "My kids will nevers" was "I won't plop my kid in front of the TV to entertain him while I do laundry or something." HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's pretty funny. I have developed a deep love for Baby Einstein and their genius line of videos that are for three months and up. You see, Alex is mesmorized by the TV. He loves the colors and the movement. I know it's not good for him to watch it, but I just needed 20 minutes yesterday to wash bottles and put his clothes away. That's it. So, I became a hypocrite and "Plopped him in front of the TV to entertain him while I did laundry and dishes." Yes, I admit it. And, I have to admit, this is not the first time I have done this either. I did it twice last week. It was only yesterday that I realized I was going against my own pre-child parenting rules, and was laughing to myself as I did it...thinking this is only the first of many times I go against what I said I'd never do.

And, being alone with Alex not just now, but from day one has taught me that I was not as great of a multi-tasker as I thought I was. I had definately not honed my skills yet in multi-tasking, so basically all these years of having a career I have been misleading my employers with my fantastic skills in this area. (Sorry for that!) Being a mother takes multi-tasking to a whole new level. For example, yesterday I did our taxes while rocking Alex in his bouncy seat and shaking his Lamaze peacock for him. Then, I made our bed with one hand while singing "Itsy-bitsy spider" and bouncing up and down. And THEN I proof-read something for work while giving him a bottle. It's absolutely amazing how you create hours in the day.

So, this is probably not new to most of you - but they leave this part out when telling you how wonderful motherhood is! The self-discovery that comes along with it.

More soon...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Alexander Wesley Young

Here is our Alex at nine weeks...and no, I did not buy him that shirt!




Our Blog

As a result of peer pressure, and because it is the cool thing to do, (just kidding) we are starting this blog. :) No, really, it is a great way to keep family and friends updated on what is happening within the Young household, and mostly put up pictures of our greatest blessing, Alexander. I hope you all enjoy!