Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hanging Out!

Just some random pics of Alex - a couple with Daddy and Daypa. These are just a few of of my recent favorites...

Where'd you go, Daddy?

Eating Spaghetti

Isn't this one of the classics? Your parents take photos of you with food all over your face to embarrass you with as you get older? Alex really isn't eating much baby food anymore, due to a stubborness to feed himself (huh, wonder where that comes from?) and Miss Michelle, his new babysitter who rocks and gives him new and interesting foods every day! Here's some spaghetti face for ya! Future girlfriends - this one will come out of the vault someday!

Little Man is Getting Big!

Alex (a.k.a. Monkey - used to be Chunky Monkey, but he's thinning out...) is going to be what for Halloween? A MONKEY! :) His costume came yesterday, and I have to say, it's very cute. I put the headpiece on him to see what he would do, and this is what I got:

Okay, Mom...I'll smile for you, but this is the best I've got!

You're not REALLY going to make me wear this, are you?

That's enough...take it off.

I can't wait for Trick or Treating... stay tuned for full-on costume action!